Author: administrator

Published:: 17/11/2021 09:40:11

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Tayside Fire and Rescue

Tayside Fire and Rescue - Personnel Services

Occupational Health Safety and Wellbeing

Tayside Fire and Rescue Occupational Safety, Safety Management System & Occupational Road Risk Policies 1


This document outlines the organisations policy and procedure on driving for work. It provides the actions and protocols to be observed while employees are undertaking driving duties during the course of their employment.


Tayside Fire and Rescue will ensure that all employees driving on behalf of the organisation are competent and comply with the standards required for safe driving practice. To this end a procedure has been defined which details the procedures and
protocols to be followed. Contents

1 Introduction
2 Statement of Policy
3 Responsibilities
4 Arrangements
5 Driver Checks and Qualifications
6 Driving Standards
7 Reporting and Maintenance
8 Legal Penalties, Speeding and Parking tickets etc.


Read the Policy Document


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